July 19, 2017 - Comments Off on Travel Tech, Kilkenny
Travel Tech, Kilkenny
Travel Tech is moving fast and we are very excited to bring you news of the next #TechThursdayKK event. This will be epic, with a few surprises in the mix!
We will present insights into the growing Travel Tech economy in Ireland.
Introduction to proceedings by host of #TechThursdayKK John Cleere
Welcome and opening address by John Cleere, Red Lemonade Creative
Proceedings hosted by Alan Costello, NDRC
Panel Talk: ‘How do you build a travel tech ecosystem’
Host: Alan Costello, NDRC
Michael Mouire, Head of Data & Analytics, Ryanair
Kevin O’Shaughnessy, Founder, Indigo
David Harkin, Founder theBizlocator
Short presentations:
'Ireland's obsession with travel: a 30,000ft view of travel tech in Ireland'
Mark Lenahan, Advisor on travel vertical to TechIreland
Sandra Wycech
Leinster Startup Community Manager, Bank of Ireland Innovation
Panel Talk: ‘How data changes travel and the future’
Hosts: Angela Duffy and Alan Costello, NDRC
Ruadhán Barry, Head of Product Strategy, Boxever
Lia Bresnihan, Marketing Director, CarTrawler
Brian O'Rourke, CEO, Cityswifter
Short presentation:
‘NDRC and opportunities’
Carl Carl Power, Head of Venture Investment, NDRC
Networking and refreshments
Afterparty at Sullivan's Brewing Company Taproom
Booking is FREE but places limited.
This event venue is strictly entry by digital ticket only.
7-9pm, Thursday 3rd August 2017.
Medieval Mile Museum, 2 Saint Mary's Lane, Kilkenny.
You can also check out the latest TechIreland.org Travel Tech snapshot and podcast.
This event would not be possible without the kind sponsorship and support of
Published by: John Cleere in Tech Thursday Kilkenny
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